How to Identify Your Hair Type
Let your hair type highlight your natural beauty
Hair Care | October 18, 2020

When I decided to focus on improving the health of my hair, the first step for me was trying to figure out my hair type. I knew that knowing my hair type would help me understand what my hair needs and how my hair responds to different products or hairstyles.
If you are on a journey to learn more about your hair or if you are just curious, then identifying your curl type can be your first step too. Figuring out your hair type can be a little complicated at first because your hair could have several different types of hair textures. My hair is a mixture of type 4A, 4B, and 4C. Some sections of my hair have a different curl pattern than other parts. The front and the very back of my head has a looser curl pattern compared to the middle of my hair.
To help you figure out your hair type, a hair typing system that is easy to follow. I used his hair typing system to help me identify my hair type. Hopefully, your confusion will stop here, and you will be able to find your hair type so you can start your hair care journey.
The Definition of Hair Type
Hair Type is the curl pattern of your hair follicle. Your hair type comes from your genetics. There are generally four different shapes your hair follicle can be such, as straight, wavy, curly, and coily.
The 4 Hair Types

Type 1: (Straight)
This hair type has no natural curl.

Type 2: (Wavy)
The shape is not completely straight, but it is slightly curly, and the hair starts off flatter at the roots and gets curlier around eye level. The curls begin to form a more defined S shape as you go from type 2A to 2C.



Type 3: (Curly)
This hair type has more height and volume at the roots compared to type 2 hair. The shape of the curls has a well-defined S-shape, and they gradually become tighter and more springy as you go from type 3A to 3C.



Type 4: (Coily)
This hair type has the fewest cuticle layers, which make this hair type the most fragile hair type. This hair type is packed with springy coils, and these coils become tighter as you go from 4A to 4C.



Find the Right Products for Your Hair Type
Knowing your curl type can do so much more than just defining how your hair is naturally. With the knowledge of knowing your hair type, you can:
- Stop wasting a lot of money on products that do not or will not work for your hair
- Be a step closer to finding that perfect life-changing hair product
- Will ease the process of styling your hair
Too many times, I have been the victim of buying a hair product and then later realizing that this product is doing nothing for me. It helps when you understand what type of ingredients and consistency your hair needs from a product.
Type 1:
- Products that are going to add extra oil to your hair
- Heavy serums or butters
- Dry shampoos
- Texture sprays
Type 2:
- Oil-based or creamy products because they will weigh down your hair
- A gel or use a light mousse to define your curls
- Salt spray for beach waves
- A diffuser
- Anti-humidity products
Type 3 and 4:
- Silicone and sulfates
- Deep conditioning masques
- Oils and creams
- Gel and a curling cream to define your curls
Now your chances of becoming a victim to buying useless hair products will be a little less likely, but you will still need to know your hair density, thickness, and porosity to understand what your hair needs.

All Hair Types, Can Not Be Treated The Same
- Some require more washing
- Detangling takes time
- Protection is key
- Use of moisture
When you find better products for your curl type, it will be easier to create a regimen around them so you can reach your hair goals.
Type 1 and 2
You should not wash your hair every day because that will cause your scalp to overproduce oils. You might be facing this issue because you think you need to wash your hair. After all, it is only oily because you do not realize that you’re causing it to be oily. So, try washing your hair every other day and gradually space out your wash days. You should wash your hair 2-3 times a week.
Using protein treatments will be great for restoring or maintaining the health and strength of your hair, especially if you use heat on your hair often. Also, adding a deep conditioner treatment to your regimen will help bring more shine to your hair.
Type 3 and 4
Type 3 and 4 tend to lack moisture and are more prone to frizz and breakage, so moisturizing is key. Setting a time to moisturize your hair is very crucial when it comes to having healthy hair. Also, detangling your hair can be a long process especially for type 4 (it is the most fragile curl type), but using great products and methods will help speed up the process.
You want to avoid causing tangles when you are handling your and be very gentle when you are trying to remove tangles. Keeping your hair stretched and having sections will minimize the number of tangles you could get especially for type 4 hair.
Some may say protective styles such as weaves or braids are not good for your hair, but I think that is not completely true. Protective styles are great for this type of hair because it helps you keep your hair away from harmful things in the environment, rubbing on your clothes, and your hands. There are things you should avoid when you decide to do a protective hairstyle, and I will explain later on.
Side Note:
Understand that everyone’s hair needs clean scalps, moisturized hair, and love and care to flourish. Also, do what works best for your hair. It might be recommended to do something one way, but if you are receiving results doing it another way, then continue.
Inspiration Can Easily Turn Into Perspiration and Frustration
- You saw a style you like and wanted to try it out and failed hard
- Your hair is not lasting long in a hairstyle
- Certain hairstyles can cause damage
There was this one time when I saw this Youtube video of a girl completing a Bantu knot out, and it looked so pretty that I decided to try it out on my hair. I bought the same products she used in the video, and I followed all the steps. When I looked at the finished product, I was so disappointed. My hair looked nowhere near close to her hair, and I dedicated so much time and money to end up with a sad result.
That is when I realized hair type and also length plays a big role in how the look of a hairstyle may come out. In my situation, she had type 3A / 3B hair, and her hair was about shoulder length. I, on the other hand, had type 4 hair and at the time, my hair was a little longer than neck length. The problem was that I expected my hair to look exactly like hers, but I did not bother to understand that my expectations were not completely possible.
There is inspiration all around us, and the want to try out new hairstyles comes up more, but the question is; Can this hairstyle work for my hair, or Will I receive an unpleasant outcome? Knowing your hair type will help you figure out if the hours of doing your hair or getting it done are worth it and what to expect.
Now, what hairstyle you chose to try, keep in mind that your hair may not last as long compared to other hair types. For example, braids can last longer for type 3 and 4 hair if taken care of properly. When using heat to straighten type 1 and 2 hair the chances of it puffing up or looking messy are less likely after a couple of days. One thing we all got in common is that bad weather can easily ruin a beautiful hairstyle.
Lastly, be mindful of hairstyles that can be too harmful to your hair.
These photos are examples of what you should avoid when you decide to do a protective style.
Harmful Protective Styles
These hairstyles can be:
- Too tight
- Cause hair loss
- Cause heat damage
Nobody should be causing this type of damage to their hair. Your hairstyle should not be too tight and consider using no heat sometimes. If you want to wear a protective hairstyle then, you need to keep these in mind, so the hairstyle can be considered a real protective style.
You should always know that there is beauty in all hair types and the things we can do to our hair is amazing. Our hair can easily change a person’s look and self-confidence and I think that is beautiful.