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The 5 Styles of Faux Locs You Have To See Now

The 5 Faux Loc Hairstyles You Have To See Now

Exploring the branches of faux locs
Hair | May 26, 2023

It’s incredible how one style can create other beautiful hairstyles, but that makes sense because the originator was stunning alone. You will see how faux locs helped create the way for soft locs, bohemian/goddess styles, butterfly/distressed locs, and individual locs.

When it comes to braid hairstyles, there are so many ways you can have fun, and this list will show exactly that. 

Faux Locs

The beginner of the faux locs family. This hairstyle became increasingly popular because it allowed people to style their hair in locs without the long-term commitment and having to wait for it to grow long.

Faux Locs Gallery

This hairstyle uses the following products/tools: 

  • Edge Control/Hair Jam
  • Crochet Hook
  • Curly Braiding/Crochet Hair
  • Textured Braiding Hair (ex: Cuban twist hair or Marley hair)
  • Lighter or Nail Glue (Optional) 
  • Hair Oil
  • Hair Mousse’

This style can feel very tight on the roots of your hair if the braiding hair is wrapped around too tightly. Also, the removal process can be tiresome because a lot of hair is crocheted into a braid. 

It can feel stiff and difficult when trying to style these locs. Faux locs are not a lightweight hairstyle, especially if the locs are long. The longer and thicker the locs – the more tension they cause to the scalp. 

Due to that amount of tension, faux locs are not the best protective style and should be done 2-3 times a year. 

This style can take around six to eight hours to do. The time will vary based on the size and length of the hair as well as the speed of the stylist.  

If you are looking for a hairstyle that completely covers your hair and gives you a break from styling your hair, then Faux locs is the perfect choice.

How Long Do Faux Locs Last?

They generally last around four to eight weeks, but everyone is different. For some people, new growth will be more noticeable sooner than later, and frizziness may happen faster. 

Faux Locs Tutorial 

Soft Locs

You know when you like a product or service, but there are things about it that can be improved upon to make it better. As an end result, you get a new modified version of the previous product or service. Well, that is how we got soft locs.

They are similar to regular faux locs but have the upgrades everyone wanted. Faux locs can appear bulky, hard to style, and feel heavy. Soft locs are the opposite of that. 

These locs appear this way because the technique changed from wrapping the hair close together to leaving little gaps as you wrap the hair around itself.  

Hair density will still affect the overall look of the style because if you have high-density hair, the locs will look thicker than someone with lower-density hair.

Soft Locs Gallery

This hairstyle uses the following products/tools: 

  • Edge Control/Hair Jam
  • Crochet Hook
  • Spring Twist Hair
  • Faux Crochet Locs
  • Lighter or Nail Glue (Optional) 
  • Hair Oil
  • Hair Mousse

Similar to faux locs, these locs can be a protective style, but I would say that the knotless method would be better for the safety of your hair. 

How Long Do Soft Locs Last?

Soft locs can last between four to eight weeks. If you decide to do the knotless method, the new growth will be more noticeable sooner.

Soft Locs Tutorial

Bohemian/Goddess Locs

There is only one difference between this hairstyle and the previous two. That clear difference is the visible pieces of curly hair. In other styles above, the curly hair was either covered or was not left in its curly state. 

Bohemian/goddess locs can be done on any of the other styles of locs. You only have to leave out some curly hair, and the locs will be considered bohemian/goddess. 

The most popular combination is bohemian/goddess soft locs. This style is stunning, but the maintenance of this style will be more necessary and slightly different. You do not want to deal with matted curly hair. 

Bohemian/Goddess Locs Gallery

This hairstyle uses the following products/tools: 

  • Edge Control/Hair Jam
  • Crochet Hook
  • Curly Braiding/Crochet Hair
  • Textured Braiding Hair (ex: Cuban twist hair or Marley hair)
  • Partial Bundle of Curly Human Hair (Optional) 
  • Faux Crochet Locs 
  • Lighter or Nail Glue (Optional) 
  • Hair Oil
  • Hair Mousse

This style takes around six to eight hours to complete, so be ready to be in a chair for a long time. As said before, this style can be considered a protective style, but be mindful of the tension on the roots – at that point, it is hurting more than helping.

We are trying to get a beautiful hairstyle while growing our natural hair, and that’s a two-for-one. 

How Long Do Bohemian/Goddess Locs Last?

If you use human curly hair, the hairstyle can last over four weeks, but if you use synthetic curly hair, then the curly parts can last less than three weeks. This is why maintaining the curly hair is necessary to help the curly hair last almost as long as the faux locs.

Bohemian/Goddess Faux/Soft Locs Tutorial

Butterfly/Distressed Locs

Before, the goal was to make the loc as neat as possible, but things have changed, and messy locs are the new goal. This version of faux locs became popular because they appear more natural or effortless. 

These locs are also called butterfly locs because the loops you make on the side of the twist resemble butterfly wings


Butterfly/Distressed Locs Gallery

This hairstyle uses the following products/tools: 

  • Edge Control/Hair Jam
  • Crochet Hook
  • Curly Braiding/Crochet Hair
  • Faux Crochet Butterfly/Distressed Locs (Optional) 
  • Lighter or Nail Glue (Optional) 
  • Hair Oil
  • Hair Mousse

Expect to block out around five to eight hours to finish this style.

How Long Do Butterfly/Distressed Locs Last?

The time could be worth it because butterfly locs can last around four to six weeks. Since the style is already distressed over a few weeks, the hairstyle can begin to look very frizzy and all over the place. To keep that from happening too quickly, you will need a nightly/daily routine to refresh the hair. 

Butterfly/Distressed Locs Tutorial

Individual Locs

The newest version of locs- Individual locs. This hairstyle is a fascinating combination of flat twists, regular twists, and faux locs. The style brings two parted sections of hair together to create one loc.

The hairstyle starts with two flat twists twisted together to create one twist. Then it ends with the twist being wrapped around itself. 

Although they are three different styles, I think they are aesthetically pleasing.

Individual Locs Gallery

This hairstyle uses the following products/tools: 

  • Edge Control/Hair Jam
  • Crochet Hook
  • Hair Pins/Clips
  • Textured Braiding Hair (ex: Cuban twist hair or Marley hair)
  • Lighter or Nail Glue (Optional) 
  • Hair Oil
  • Hair Mousse

How Long Do Individual Locs Last?

Individual locs can take five to eight hours to finish, and the style can last four to eight weeks

Individual Locs Tutorial

Faux locs have become an impressive versatile hairstyle. After seeing all these gorgeous locs, doesn’t it make you want to try every single one? Goddess soft locs are calling my name! Out of the five styles, which one is your favorite?

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